
Kamis, 24 April 2014

The Correct Procedure ablution and his Law

The Correct Procedure ablution and his Law
Wudu is one way to purify themselves Muslims or memubuat us in a clean state , ablution also biased as we clean the small ritual impurity know menbuang angina throw dirt to clean large hadast we have a bath or shower junup great today I want menjelsakan about ablution first .
Canceling law ablution
Legal Wudu Cancel
the wudoo is membuah wind < dispose ari small , large water mebuang contact is not muhrim or also talk dirty menyutuh human or animal excrement basic mengluarkan more than 2 drops
meyentuh animals banned Islamic pig or dog crate etc.
Not talking at the time referred to invalidate ablution wudu '
Not eating tomb referred to invalidate wudu '
Law Makruh Wudu
if we perform ablution and then we Tidus moment or longer then we want to pray then we still want that we have ablution before going to bed good rear we do is we should first perform ablution and then we pray because we do not know at the moment we have mengluarkan water asleep or maybe we has been in touch that is not enumerated by our muhrim
Law Sunnah Wudu '
Before ablution wash hands thoroughly is sunna
nose before washing with clean ablution is sunna
before washing the mouth with clean ablution is sunnah as possible at the time of eating food residue that may be left in - Selah Selah teeth or in the mouth can mengangu us at the time of prayer
wash both ears is sunnah
put the right part at the time of her ablutions is sunnah
wetting the entire head of hair adalh sunna
Procedures for ablution

wash the face from chin didad until the beginning of next right ear to left ear early ith mukan should wash exposed epidermis evenly
The second wash tanggan of siti up with your fingers and do not forget tanggan - Shelah Shelah nevertheless basuhilah with a clean finger
head hair washed at least 3 Helau know more is better
Dampen a wash both ears both ears until blended so as to be exposed to water
To wash both feet from the ankle to the toes and Shelah Shelah - toes in the wet should be evenly

 for prayer see d below

Perform ablutions before prayer

Prayer after her ablutions

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